[US TANK EXERCISE] [Allocated]

Other title(s): [US TANK EXERCISE] [Allocated]
Year: 1920
Runtime: 5 mins
Description: The exercises take place in swamp country as dusk begins to fall. The tanks are M1917 or M1918 (Renault) light tanks and the Tank Mark VIII "Liberty", with two scout airships above them. The tanks practise hill climbing and trench crossing on a training ground, and demonstrate their ability to push over small trees and drive through swamp. Two of the Renaults drive directly 'over' the camera. As the sun sets the exercise continues, with the airships dropping illumination flares, while the tank exhausts throw out luminescent white smoke. Some foot soldiers advance with the tanks, which fire as they move.
US Army tank training exercise, probably in Florida, just after the First World War.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / United States Army / World War, 1914-1918 -- United States / training, United States military - combat: tanks / armour, French - tank: Renault & [United States] / armour, United States - tank: M1917 / armour, United States - tank: M1918 / armour, British - tank: Tank Mark VIII Liberty & [United States] / Florida, United States of America / night & [+] / half-light & [+]
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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